Actizyme® Eco Enzyme Pellets are a caustic-free, septic-safe natural drain treatment pellet that prevents blockages, eliminates odours and clears drains. Actizyme contains powerful activated enzymes and microorganisms that accelerate the breakdown of organic waste such as food, grease and hair.
Prevents odours and blockages
Eco friendly
Caustic-free and non-corrosive
Contains powerful enzymes
Save on repairs
Safe for sewers and septics
Actizyme pellets are a biological complex of selected microorganisms, enzymes, nutrients, and buffer material transported in a dry, pelletised wheat base (resembling “chicken feed”).
The enzymes in Actizyme are a unique feature that allows the product to immediately break down waste products. After a short time in solution, the bacteria rapidly multiply and produce the same enzymes to break down the waste material into a harmless gas and water.
These specialised enzymes naturally breakdown:
Fat, Oils and Grease (FOG)
Sugars and Starches
Bacteria that are often active in anaerobic environments naturally produce H2S gas, which is the basis for bad odours. By overwhelming these anaerobic bacteria (Bioaugmentation) with bacteria that do not produce H2S, offensive odours are removed.
Actizyme improves ground absorption by breaking down and ‘digesting’ the grease and fats that build up in septic trenches and drains. This saves on pump-out costs and provides greater capacity for the wastewater systems - without the smells and blockages that can occur.
Provides selectively adapted strains of bacterial populations that remove biological waste in water
Provides rapid, short-term breakdown of wastes
Effective for a broad range of waste types, including fats, proteins, carbohydrates and cellulose
Effective in both aerobic and anaerobic systems
Suitable for use in domestic, commercial, municipal, agricultural, food processing and trade waste systems
Improved final effluent quality, lower BOD and TSS
Reduced odour by out-competing the odourous bacteria types
Trade waste savings by quickly improving water quality
Actizyme products can be used safely pretty much anywhere and are safe for all pipe and plumbing materials. Typical applications are household drains, sinks and toilets, grease traps, septic tanks and bio-cycle systems,
Case studies studies have shown that Actizyme can also be used in a wide variety of industries where biological matter is suspended in water and needs to be broken down and removed. For example, dosing into large aerobic or anaerobic wastewater ponds, initiating digesters, piggeries, sewage treatment, sales yard’s wastewater, brewery industries, the sugar industry and more.
Domestic Applications
Septic tanks and grease traps
Drain Lines
Septic pits
Septic holding tanks (in caravans or boats)
Food disposal units in sinks
And much more
Commercial Applications
Wastewater treatment plants - use Actizyme pellets to “seed” a new digester at a wastewater treatment plant. This ensures that bacterial action can begin quickly.
Large spills of effluent into public areas - use pellets in the pond or drainage pit to reduce odours, and ensure the waste is quickly broken down.
Pit toilets - dose pellets to encourage the break down of the waste, reduce odours, and extend the life of the pit while improving soil absorption and filtration.
Treating commercial quantities of compost by mixing with water and dosing into the compost.
Improving Biogas production in piggeries and wastewater treatment plants.
And much more
The optimum dosage rate of Actizyme for a particular waste depends very much on individual circumstances and the desired results.
If faster results are desired, then higher dosing levels should be used than if a longer time lag is acceptable.
In general, field experiences have indicated that optimum results are achieved by having an initial “slug” dose in the order of 5-500 ppm reducing to a regular maintenance dose in the order of 1-3 0.5 ppm upwards.
Dosage rates and frequency of addition is of course, dependent upon the nature of waste, the volume throughput, and the holding capacity of the treatment system. The frequency may vary from addition on a monthly basis to small half-hourly increments.
Simply pour 1 tablespoon (12g) down the drain, flush with warm water, and repeat once a month. Ongoing monthly use will ensure you’ll stay block and odour-free. We even guarantee it. See our block free guarantee.
For toilets, add directly to the bowl. Repeat once a month. Regular use will ensure drains remain unblocked and odour free.
For blockages
For drains, dose 1 tablespoon daily until water flows freely. For toilets add 350g directly into bowl and flush. For stubborn blockages, it may be necessary to first clear it out physically.Greasetraps
Clean out first then pour 1 cup (180g) down kitchen sink and flush with warm water.Trenches
Dose directly into the septic tank.Pit or Pan Toilets
PIT: Add I cup Actizyme to 2 litres water. Leave 30 minutes, stir, then pour into pit. Repeat monthly with 2 tablespoons Actizyme in 1/2 litre water.
Pan/holding tank: Add 2 tablespoons Actizyme to 1/2 litre water, leave 30 minutes, stir and pour into toilet. Repeat after each pan/tank emptying. NOT to be used in unvented holding tanks.IMPORTANT: Actizyme may take several days to achieve the desired results. Dosing last thing at night allows maximum time for enzymes to do their work.
Form …………………………. Solid pellets
Colour……………………….. Beige
Odour………………………… Faint odour
pH…………………………….. 6 - 8 @ 25°C (1% solution)
Boiling point……………… Not Applicable
Handling: Put on appropriate personal protective equipment. Eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled, stored and processed. Workers should wash hands and face before eating, drinking and smoking.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Read the Safety Data Sheet for details
450g, 900g, 3kg, 10kg
Eco Enzyme Pellets
Eco Enzyme Pellets
Actizyme Pellets 450g
Our popular 450g retail pack is available in most leading Coles, Woolworths, and larger independent supermarkets across Australia.
100% of your money back if you’re not satisfied
Actizyme can be used safely pretty much anywhere. The enzymes themselves are naturally occurring throughout our ecosystem and even within our own bodies to help break down and digest proteins, grease, fats, vegetable matter and so on. Our saliva (Amylase) is one of the first enzymes in our digestive system used to begin the digestive process. See our product page for more information about where to use.
This depends on the level and nature of the blockage. Normally you will notice some improvement within 24 hours, but it may be a few weeks for very blocked drains. Note that if Actizyme is used regularly the drains would normally not get blocked in the first place!
If the blockage is caused by a living tree root, you may first need to call a plumber or try killing the tree root using products like Rootox™ which then allows Actizyme to digest the dead wood.
If the blockage is caused by hair, it may take some time to be removed as hair breaks down slowly. It will help but may take some weeks to clear the blockage and need repeated application. It may be quicker to remove the ‘U’ bend under the sink and manually clear it. Dosing your drains regularly will keep them free from future blockages.
Actizyme is best dosed last thing at night or if you are leaving your house for holidays or long weekend etc. This allows the Actizyme to work by allowing the pellets to remain in the system overnight or longer. Repeat once a month or follow on pack instructions.
Actiyme was originally designed to help septics work at maximum efficiency. Septic systems are especially prone to being ‘killed off’ by today’s nasty chemicals (especially the caustic drain cleaners and other anti-bacterial cleaners) and Actizyme helps boost the septics enzyme/bacteria system, allowing it to function well without any nasty odours. Actizyme also assists by keeping the absorption trenches clear of blockages.
Enzymes are a natural part of the ecosystem and as such are harmless to the garden. If anything, they will ensure a quicker conversion of soil and other leaf material into good garden compost.
Yes – the enzymes used in Actizyme are completely biodegradable and safe for the environment. In fact, they are beneficial to the environment!
If stored safely in a sealed container, they can last for at least three to five years. Enzymes are typically not stable in a liquid, so only the pellets contain enzymes.
Need help?
Actizyme Australia Pty Ltd
8 Elliott Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175
Phone: +61 3 8751 9768